Month March 2008

Pumping Symlin (part 3)

With Symlin having some real potential to help me on two very important fronts (better blood sugar control and weight loss), I needed to find a way for me to use it more consistently. I mentally evaluated my options, which…

Six Words

I should have known I was in for a tough one when Beth tagged me, and her title was (literally) “hardest meme ever“. I was also tagged by Araby62/Kathy, and then Brett. The Rules: 1. Write your own six word…

Pumping Symlin (part 2)

With my new SymlinPen in hand and some practical experiences that both Bernard and the folks at TuDiabetes put together, I was off and running. Well, maybe a slow and cautious speed walk is more like it. Even early on it…

It seems almost magical

I had a pretty interesting Symlin experience this morning. I was running late.  I played basketball last night, was still tired, and slept in a bit longer than I should have.  Once I woke up, I was moving really slowly. …

Pumping Symlin (part 1)

I recently posted about my experiences so far with Symlin, and how I’m using a second pump for it.  That post generated a lot of questions, along with a request to elaborate on using a second pump for Symlin. I’ll start with a little…

Symlin So Far

It has been almost two weeks since I started experimenting with Symlin. While it has been pretty scary adding another variable into the mix, the benefits I’ve experienced show that this tool has some real potential to help me. To…