But Not For My Head…

Toupee Glue

I recently mentioned using toupee glue to keep my Navigator CGM sensors attached.  With all of the packing and unpacking from our recent move, I found it!  You’re looking at a genuine bottle of “Ultra Hold” toupee glue.  This internet purchase landed my information on at least one hair replacement e-mail list.  No irony there, right?

Freestyle NavigatorThe Navigator CGM was a pretty sweet continuous monitor system.  Unfortunately it’s not available in the U.S. anymore.  I really liked that system, but the transmitter was really hard to keep on.  It was much bigger than anything out today, but it made up for its size with an insane transmission range.

The system worked great for me, and I was officially addicted to the information it provided.  Like everything, supplies were limited.  If a sensor came off, I was out of luck.

So I tried a bunch of tricks to keep them attached.  Everything from the common Skin-Prep, I.V. Prep, Mastisol, and Skin Tac (I spilled a bottle of that once.  What a nightmare to clean up), to the less-common things like false-eyelash glue and Vet-Bond, a glue used in veterinary surgery.

I tried nearly every tape known to medical mankind but still needed something better.  Though I do credit this part for helping me find my favorite tape so far; OpSite Flexifix.

inflatable toupée

Some time later a friend said something about trying toupee glue.

Why not, right?

It worked well, but was messy.  There is a brush applicator, just like rubber cement.  I applied it everywhere except around where the sensor actually penetrated the skin.  I still needed extra tape around the edges, but otherwise it worked very well for me.

One night I was prepping my sensor site and applied the toupee glue to my arm.  I walked by the refrigerator and bumped into the freezer door with my arm.  I got stuck.  I tried pulling away, but instead of my arm coming loose the freezer door pulled open!  I eventually worked myself free from my kitchen appliance and had to laugh.  There I was, shirtless, wrestling with my freezer door to release my arm.

What if I needed to call for help?  Can you imagine that phone conversation?

 I’ll Read it For You

Are you on the move? Let me read this to you…


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Scott K. Johnson

Patient voice, speaker, writer, advocate, and Senior Community Manager at Blue Circle Health. Living life with diabetes and telling my story. All opinions expressed are my own and do not necessarily represent my employer’s position. Read more…

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