Our assignment for day one of the fifth annual (!!) #DBlogWeek is to talk about diabetes causes and issues that get us really fired up.
I’m not a fired up kind of guy.
The slow and steady march of making connections, introducing people who need to know each other, and shining a light on people and stories that resonate with me, that’s more my style.
Sometimes those little connections make all the difference in the world.
In 2011 I received a message from Masereka Robert in Uganda. He was 26 years old at the time and lives with type 1 diabetes. He was diagnosed at 5 years old. He volunteers his time to start a diabetes association to help educate people with diabetes in a remote area near the slopes of Mount Rwenzori in the Kasese district of Uganda.
He explained that he started the association to help people who can’t afford to buy insulin or provide transport to the nearest hospitals. He found my blog and wanted to reach out to make a connection.
He and I stayed in touch via email, sending a message every few weeks or so. He told me about how he reaches out to many people asking for help, spends time educating the parents of these children, and generally doing everything he can to help.
March of 2013, DSMA Live hosted Dr. Jason Baker and Sandy Narayanan of Marjorie’s Fund, a non-profit organization devoted to empowering people with diabetes in resource poor locations.
During the show Dr. Baker mentioned Uganda, and a connection happened in my head. Not long after the show, I sent Dr. Baker a message about Masereka Robert, explaining his work in the area and our email conversations. Dr. Baker said, “I think we will be able to help him…”
Thanks for the Connection, Scott

[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”4″ display=”basic_thumbnail”]Sometimes it takes my breath away what these little connections can mean for people.
This would not be possible without incredible groups like Insulin for Life and Marjories Fund. Thank you, both, for the amazing work you do.
If you would like to help, please consider contacting Marjorie’s Fund to get involved and find out what is needed.