Update on Latest Endo Appointment

stethoscope-29243_640As expected, my A1C was higher than I’m comfortable with – although not as high as I expected it to be. The result was 9.1, down from 9.2 three months ago. Faithful readers will remember that for my last visit in November, I thought I had been doing really well, and was caught off guard with that 9.2 A1C result. It really messed me up.

I spent the entire three plus months since then fighting to pull out of the tailspin I went into as a result of that surprise.

I actually expected this A1C to be higher than the last one, so I was a bit relieved to see that it was not as bad as I thought.

Everything else was pretty good:

Blood Pressure – 110/64
Kidney – 100% normal
Cholesterol – Total 125, LDL 82 (looking to be below 80) and HDL 32 (looking to be higher than 40)
Feet – no detectable neuropathy

The cholesterol is ever so slightly higher (LDL) and lower (HDL) than desired, so he’s upping my Lipitor a bit.

He also referred me to a dietitian. I dread it. I know that diet is my weak spot, and I really do want to change, but how the heck do you change these (poor) eating habits you’ve had your whole life?! I also have to do some legwork to find out if this particular dietitian is considered “in network” with my insurance.

More to come…

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Scott K. Johnson

Patient voice, speaker, writer, advocate, and Senior Community Manager at Blue Circle Health. Living life with diabetes and telling my story. All opinions expressed are my own and do not necessarily represent my employer’s position. Read more…

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