
Oh man. I’ve been dealing with a cold type of thing over the weekend, and I took some medicine for it this morning. I feel soooooooooooo disconnected. Like I can’t get my brain and mouth/fingers to operate together. It’s awful! I’m not sure which is worse – the cold symptoms or the side effects of this damn medication!

My words are all jumbled together and slurred. I swear, I think my boss will kick me out of work today because I’m acting intoxicated!

Plus my BG’s are all over the place!

I’ve got both prizes underway for the Test Strip Contest. Caro has received hers, but Kerri’s has yet to arrive. I can’t spoil the fun by telling what it is until I know they’ve both been received. Then I’ll post an update to let everyone know what they won. I’m waiting for Kerri’s prize to arrive at my place, then I need to ship it to her. I would imagine it will be late next week before I can spill the beans.

I had my appointment with the dietician on Friday, and man, it was awesome! I’ll dedicate a post to it when my head clears up a bit.

10 points to whomever can tell me where the title of this post came from.

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Scott K. Johnson

Patient voice, speaker, writer, advocate, and Senior Community Manager at Blue Circle Health. Living life with diabetes and telling my story. All opinions expressed are my own and do not necessarily represent my employer’s position. Read more…

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