Roche Social Media Summit – Skeptics?

Just a quick note today.  I’m a few minutes shy of heading out to play some lunchtime basketball, and I can’t wait to get there!  I’ve got a short week of exercise this week because of the holidays, so I’m anxious to make the most of what I’ve got.

For the past two years I have attended the Roche Social Media Summit.  I think it was well received, overall.  But there were also many skeptics who shared reservations about what it was all about.  Rightfully so, in my opinion.  Living with diabetes and dealing with a lot of crap out there definitely affects our opinions, and bravo to those who were brave enough to share how they felt.  That is important.

I hope that most of you saw The BiG blue test video.

It is an amazing video, and each unique view (before 11/14) counted towards a donation to two charity organizations that provide insulin to those in need.  The video was viewed over 100,000 unique times, resulting in a $75,000 donation from Roche.

In an article that Riva Greenberg wrote, Rob Raab, President of Insulin for Life says “In places we assist, like Ecuador, less than 50 dollars keeps a person who needs insulin alive for an entire year.

This project, and the lives that are actively being saved and helped, are the direct result of the social media summits.

I will gladly submit to any egotistical based criticism of my involvement in things like this if it means people are being helped.

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Scott K. Johnson

Patient voice, speaker, writer, advocate, and Senior Community Manager at Blue Circle Health. Living life with diabetes and telling my story. All opinions expressed are my own and do not necessarily represent my employer’s position. Read more…

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