The Importance of CWD Events

While in Florida for the 2011 Family Support Weekend I heard a couple of stories that really stuck with me.

For most families, coming to CWD events are very important. How important you ask?

One family was scheduling a c-section delivery of their baby, and actually planned the operation around the Friends For Life conference.

Another family had friends getting married around the same time as the Friends For Life conference. These friends knew how important the FFL event was, and called the family to talk about dates and times for their wedding. They wanted to make sure their wedding plans wouldn’t interfere with Friends for Life for the family.

Weddings and c-section baby deliveries. Those seem like pretty important things to me, and for many families the CWD Events rank right up there with them. I think that’s pretty neat.

Last year was my first year, and it was incredible. I will be back. Every year.

2011 marks an important landmark for the Friends For Life conference. This year there is a lot of energy being put into an adults with type 1 track. I know there are a bunch of bloggers heading down, and many more that wish they could make it.

Don’t let the name of the organization, Children with Diabetes, fool you into believing this conference is just for kids. It’s not just for kids!

It’s a life changing event, and I’m sure the adult crowd will agree.

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Scott K. Johnson

Patient voice, speaker, writer, advocate, and Senior Community Manager at Blue Circle Health. Living life with diabetes and telling my story. All opinions expressed are my own and do not necessarily represent my employer’s position. Read more…

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