A Fun Read, with Diabetes! “GOOD LIKE THIS”

good-like-this-coverOpening a new book and finding it easy to read is a treat. It takes a lot of skill and talent to put words together in a way that’s easy on the brain and doesn’t cause fatigue. Using those words to put together a good story is a special talent all of its own. Put those talents together and you have a good author.

Good authors write books that are fun to read. If GOOD LIKE THIS is any indication, Peter Arpesella, who has lived with type 1 diabetes since age 7, is off to a great start.

GOOD LIKE THIS is a fiction book that follows a successful business man as he navigates a bunch of challenges in life. Part of his struggle is his relationship with type 1 diabetes and how it fits into everything else he has going on: a struggling marriage, parenting a young child, a demanding career, and a longing for the speedy legs of his younger days.

In many ways the things he wrestles with are exactly what you and I wrestle with, which made the story very easy to relate to. In other ways his lifestyle is so next-level that the situations were unbelievable, which gave the story a sense of adventure and excitement.

Scott's Amazon Review for GOOD LIKE THIS by Peter Arpesella

It’s easy for me to give a glowing review for a book I had such a good time reading.

Disclosure: I received a free copy of GOOD LIKE THIS for review. I was not asked to write about it or mention it on any social media channels.

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Scott K. Johnson

Patient voice, speaker, writer, advocate, and Senior Community Manager at Blue Circle Health. Living life with diabetes and telling my story. All opinions expressed are my own and do not necessarily represent my employer’s position. Read more…

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