Is it Important to You? Hope?

Logo Image for 2014 Diabetes Hope Conference

In less than one week (on Tuesday, May 20) I will be joining a group of panelists, a handful of behind-the-scenes people, two partner organizations (Diabetes Hands Foundation & dLife), and one sponsoring company (Pamlab) to bring the second Diabetes Hope Conference to the community.

Completely free, and accessible to anyone, anywhere. The goal is inclusion and involvement for as many as possible.

We learned a lot from year number one about what content and topics resonate with people. We hope to present more of what you like, and less of what you don’t.


It can be difficult and a little scary for companies to invest anything (time, money, or even their name) into social efforts like this. Most of the people can see the value, but it often has to translate into company related terms; cost, investment, return, etc. We all know that social media doesn’t work that way.

But there are other ways to send a signal.

In the case of the Diabetes Hope Conference, blowing past our registration goals is a crystal clear signal that this is important to the community.

Our goal is 500 registrations. We’re at 285.

Is this important to you?

Can we make it easy for our conference sponsor to say “YES!” to the third Diabetes Hope Conference?

Can you help me send a signal?

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Scott K. Johnson

Patient voice, speaker, writer, advocate, and Senior Community Manager at Blue Circle Health. Living life with diabetes and telling my story. All opinions expressed are my own and do not necessarily represent my employer’s position. Read more…

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