No One is Excused from Prediabetes

A handful of PSA’s about prediabetes have been created through an exciting collaboration with the Ad Council, the American Medical Association (AMA), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the American Diabetes Association (ADA). Take this “Busy Moms“, for example.

The production quality is great, I like the talent choices, and I love the snark and sarcasm!

(for the very literal in the crowd, this is not real. The actor is using highly exaggerated sarcasm to make a point – no one is excused from prediabetes.)

And the tone doesn’t stop there. The campaign website,, says, “Let’s face it, there are millions of reasons why we don’t find the time to make healthy lifestyle choices. Kids, jobs, cat videos on the Internet – we’re busy…

Hehe, cat videos on the Internet…

The push is for people to take a quick online quiz (seven questions, less than a minute to complete) to learn more about their risk and what they can do to improve their situation. The quiz can also be taken through a cell phone or mobile device by texting “RISKTEST” to 97779.

Why I like this PSA

But if you’re reading “Scott’s Diabetes” you’re not the target audience of this, right? So what gives? Why am I excited about this? Why even talk about it? I’m excited because it’s refreshing to see a different sort of diabetes message. I’m excited because it’s refreshing to see organizations working together. And I’m excited because it’s awesome to see (typically) conservative organizations take a much more provocative approach to diabetes conversations.

Grayscale logos of campaign partners

Thank you, Ad Council, AMA, CDC, & ADA, for taking a chance with this one. I love it!

But more importantly, what do YOU think about it (and the others at


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Scott K. Johnson

Patient voice, speaker, writer, advocate, and Senior Community Manager at Blue Circle Health. Living life with diabetes and telling my story. All opinions expressed are my own and do not necessarily represent my employer’s position. Read more…

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