Is managing diabetes a full time job?

Now hiring signIf only I had nothing else to do… Right? Wrong – but anyways.

I often feel like there are so many things happening that my diabetes takes a back seat and I don’t give it the attention necessary to achieve better control. Life gets busy sometimes!

I often think that managing diabetes can be a full-time job, and at times it can be. But looking at how typical management is done, it’s weird. Managing diabetes is not a “task” that you can focus on and “get done,” but rather requires multiple mental “visits” throughout the course of a day.

I think my biggest problem is maintaining a consistent level of diligence throughout the day. I might be very motivated at one point, but I have problems maintaining that level while the rest of the day unravels.

So, if I didn’t work or do anything else, would I be able to manage my diabetes better? I don’t think so – just because I don’t think any of us can maintain that level of focus all day, every day!

The puzzle is figuring out how to balance everything when taken together. Diabetes can be just a small mental part of our normal thought process during the day. Similar to driving – I’m still very careful when driving, but for the most part, it is somewhat unconscious. Something I’ve been doing for so long that it does not require 100% focus like it did when I first drove. Will diabetes ever become like that? Where some situations require more focus and attention, but for the most part, it occupies a small amount of mental resources.


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Scott K. Johnson

Patient voice, speaker, writer, advocate, and Senior Community Manager at Blue Circle Health. Living life with diabetes and telling my story. All opinions expressed are my own and do not necessarily represent my employer’s position. Read more…

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