A New Variable and Mixed Feelings

Have you ever been excited about something and dreading it at the same time?

I recently had my endo appointment. A1C is up, which caught me off guard. But considering we’ve just made it through the holiday season and all that jazz I guess I can’t be too surprised. Still bums me out a bit. There’s always something to work on isn’t there?

At my last appointment back in November I pitched the idea to my endo about Symlin, and he blew it off and started rambling on about Byetta. I didn’t push it too hard because the Symlin Pen was not yet available.

Well, that has changed, and the pen is now available.

I got my doc to write a prescription for the pen (and pen needles – don’t forget those!). It took a few days for my pharmacy to get their hands on the pen form, and another day or so for me to get back to the pharmacy to pick it up – but I have it now.

Once I actually had the pen in my hands, I had some very mixed feelings about it. Honestly, I was very scared to add yet another variable into the mix. There was some hope that it would eventually help things, but I was almost overwhelmed by the notion of all of the “trial and error” it would take to get to that point!

Bernard did an excellent write up on how he uses Symlin. There is also a TON of information in the Symlin Users Forum (thanks Scott S.!) on TuDiabetes.com

After a few days of reading, researching, and internal waffling about what to do, I decided there was only one way to figure it out! So I took my first dose.

After about a week I have seen some very promising (incredible!) results, but also a lot more high BG’s.

The highs are because I’m starting slow and being very cautious with my insulin doses. Given some more time I will figure out the right balance and timing.

This is going to sound funny from a veteran diabetic – but I am really hating the shots. I’ve been spoiled by insulin pumps for over ten years, and doing these shots again really bites. Boohoo me, right?

It has also been hard to remember to take the pen with me. I usually have everything I need right in my pump case. There have already been a few times where I intended to use it, but either forgot the pen at home or left it on my desk when out at lunch.

I’m actually playing around with the idea of wearing one of my old pumps and pumping my Symlin (thanks Sarah!).

The physical logistics are a bit intimidating to me though. I’m not yet completely sure I want to deal with a second infusion set and device on my belt. Add some sort of CGM technology to that assortment in the relatively near future, and I’m wearing a LOT of stuff (both on my belt and sticking into my subq tissue).

I’m just not sure I’m ready for all that yet. I have to weigh the pros and cons, and have more dialogue with the little guys on my shoulders.

I’ll keep you all posted as my adventure unfolds!

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Scott K. Johnson

Patient voice, speaker, writer, advocate, and Senior Community Manager at Blue Circle Health. Living life with diabetes and telling my story. All opinions expressed are my own and do not necessarily represent my employer’s position. Read more…

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