Coffee or Tea? Molly or Me? I Choose DIXIE!!!

I got together with a small group of Diabetes Daily members again last weekend.  It was awesome.  missitaly, deanusa, Molly & Dixie, and myself all enjoyed some warm beverages, easy conversation, and lots of laughs.

For those that are not familiar with Molly, she has the best CGM that anyone could ask for.  Dixie (she’s a heartbreaker)!  Dixie is a highly trained service dog that helps Molly by detecting unsafe blood sugar levels and trends (high or low).  I met Dixie when Sara was in town, and could tell that she was a little uncomfortable about something.  So Molly and I both started checking our blood sugars!  Turned out that Dean was running a little low.  As soon as he downed an OJ, Dixie calmed right down and took a little nap.  It was very, very cool to watch her highly sensitive spidey senses in action.

Picture of Scott, Molly (with Dixie), and Dean

The other thing that was so cool, and happens every time, was the instant bonding and friendship.

Thanks you guys – it was a wonderful way to kick off a beautiful (above 0 degrees) Minnesota Saturday!

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Scott K. Johnson

Patient voice, speaker, writer, advocate, and Senior Community Manager at Blue Circle Health. Living life with diabetes and telling my story. All opinions expressed are my own and do not necessarily represent my employer’s position. Read more…

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