High-Wire Forest Adventure!


Meet Becky.  She’s from the UK.  She’s crazy.  And she’s fabulous.

I read her post about a group of her friends doing an obstacle course, high above the ground in the forest canopy, and I thought she totally lost it.

On August 14, 2010, she is taking on “Go Ape – Dalby Forest“, a giant obstacle course built into the forest canopy.  There are ladders, walkways, bridges, tunnels, and zip lines.

There are a bunch of videos on youtube that show the extreme craziness of what this stuff is all about.  This probably looks fun to a lot of you, but never in my life would I volunteer to do this stuff.

She and a few of her friends pulled together to form “The D-Team”, and they are risking their lives for donations the UK JDRF.  Becky recruited Chris Bishop to put this pretty cool logo together, which made me smile and think of Mr. T (not the new Mr. T., and not the now-old Mr. T., but the original tough, gold-chain and mo-hawk wearing, taxi-driving (whoops!  wrong show!), Mr. T.)

I think it’s really a fun thing they are doing, and a bit different than what we normally think of when we talk about fundraising.

Donating a few bucks is easy.  The whole D-Team operation is UK based, but their Just Giving page allows you to use PayPal, which handles all of the currency conversion for you.


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Scott K. Johnson

Patient voice, speaker, writer, advocate, and Senior Community Manager at Blue Circle Health. Living life with diabetes and telling my story. All opinions expressed are my own and do not necessarily represent my employer’s position. Read more…

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