(see Other Arm)

I went to a small, but growing, local type 1 meet-up last night, and had a blast, as usual.

Mike, Peterspoon, Dean, Scott

This picture happened at about 10:30 PM, just before the gals working at Caribou Coffee kicked us off the patio.  We all stayed out WAY longer than any of us intended to.  But good company and great conversation makes time fly, and I bet we could have kept talking for hours more.I love meet-ups.  I have never been to a meet-up that I didn’t enjoy, and more importantly, I’ve never been to a meet-up that didn’t keep me thinking long after it ended.

People with diabetes are amazing.  The strength we have that allows us to push through each and every day, knowing full well that the next day will be full of diabetes too, inspires me.

Listening to others talk about their life with diabetes fills me with power to keep trying.

Listening to others talk about their life with diabetes energizes me.

Finding great examples of how to grab a few chuckles along the way just makes it that much sweeter (pun completely intended).

If you live with type 1 diabetes and are near the Twin Cities Metro area, we would love to have you join us.  The more the merrier.

Mike with a diabetes medical alert symbol on one arm, and (see other arm) on the other.

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Scott K. Johnson

Patient voice, speaker, writer, advocate, and Senior Community Manager at Blue Circle Health. Living life with diabetes and telling my story. All opinions expressed are my own and do not necessarily represent my employer’s position. Read more…

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