Sun Hats and Funny Pictures

Picture of Sam & I trying on goofy beach hats in the gift shop
Sam & Scott trying on hats

On the beach for the CWD Staff Retreat on Wednesday, I got pretty sunburned.  It was bad enough to give me a little headache later in the evening, and I thought I’d be miserable for another day or two.  Thankfully, after washing up for the night, putting on some fancy hotel brand lotion, and getting a good night’s rest, I felt pretty good the next day.

Before heading outside again I decided I should probably get a big sun hat and some sunscreen lotion (like I should have done the first day!).  So I stopped by the gift shop at the hotel, and found Sam Billetdeaux and his girlfriend down there.  Sam is a fun guy, so I asked him to help me find a good hat. We decided against being serious and productive, and instead had a little fun.

We did not choose either of these fine examples of sunblocking brimmage, but I found a nice big hat that would get the job done.  As soon as the pictures start coming online from people (Jeff & Kerri), I’ll grab one and show you how it looked.  I even managed to pack it in my suitcase for the trip home without destroying it!

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Scott K. Johnson

Patient voice, speaker, writer, advocate, and Senior Community Manager at Blue Circle Health. Living life with diabetes and telling my story. All opinions expressed are my own and do not necessarily represent my employer’s position. Read more…

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