DBlog Week – Day 2 – We, The Undersigned

8702009713_cd5e5f714b_oTopic for Today:

Click for the We, The Undersigned – Tuesday 5/14 Link List
Recently various petitions have been circulating the Diabetes Online Community, so today let’s pretend to write our own. Tell us who you would write the petition to – a person, an organization, even an object (animate or inanimate) – get creative!! What are you trying to change and what have you experienced that makes you want this change? (Thanks to Briley of inDpendence for this topic suggestion.)

My petition goes out to those who have thought about starting a blog/vlog/tumblr/twitter/<insert favorite social media channel here>.

This is short and sweet.

Someone out there needs your story. They need YOUR story. You are the voice that can help them turn the corner.

Ask us for help if you need it. I think it’s safe to say that we’re all more than happy to help a new voice join the choir.

Don’t overthink it.

Just do it.


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