Did You Say FREE Test Strips?

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I am a fan of all things diaTribe. They are good people doing great work for those of us with diabetes. If you’re not already subscribed to their mailing list, I highly recommend it. Their publications come out monthly, and contain some of the best consumer-level news and updates I’ve ever seen.  You can subscribe right from their home page (look for “join newsletter” on the right side).

Over the next few days (ending September 30th) they are finishing up a really incredible giveaway where diaTribe is giving away a TON of free test strips. Here are the details:

  • We are giving a grand prize of a year’s supply of test strips (based on using 5 test strips per day) of 18 boxes of 100 count test strips.
  • We’re also away one box of 100 count test strips to 19 participants for a total of 20 prizes.
  • Each winner gets to pick their preferred brand of test strips to receive
  • In order to enter the giveaway, entrants must already be signed up for diaTribe or join the mailing list.
  • The giveaway will run until September 30th.
  • Enter here!

How’s that for some awesome news?

est Strip Giveaway

Thank you, diaTribe! You guys are awesome!

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Scott K. Johnson

Patient voice, speaker, writer, advocate, and Senior Community Manager at Blue Circle Health. Living life with diabetes and telling my story. All opinions expressed are my own and do not necessarily represent my employer’s position. Read more…

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