Prep Pad from The Orange Chef

Image of the Prep Pad with Oranges on it and an iPad & iPhone behind it

I recently had a chance to play around with a Prep Pad from The Orange Chef.

To call the Prep Pad a food scale seems wrong. I mean, it is a food scale, but there is something beautiful and elegant about it. It feels different than anything I’ve used before.

The Prep Pad connects to an iPad or iPhone via Bluetooth with the touch of a single button (visible in the image above – little black dot on the right side). The app, called “Countertop,” is required to use the scale.

Much like the Prep Pad itself, I found the Countertop App elegant and beautiful. You can watch a quick promo video on the homepage of, or check out a slightly longer and more detailed video here.

Prep Pad retails for $99.95 (regularly $149.95), and the folks at The Orange Chef have generously included a coupon code just for readers of Scott’s Diabetes, valid until January 15th, 2015, that will drop the price another 10%, which brings your total down to $89.95 with free standard shipping included.

10% Coupon Code

I’d love to hear about your experiences with the Prep Pad if you decide this is something for you (or a loved one). While I still have many emotional triggers around measuring my food, using beautifully designed tools and applications help a lot.

I’d also like to send a big thanks to The Orange Chef for supporting their local ADA Tour de Cure (Silicon Valley).

Don’t forget, the coupon code is only valid through January 15, 2015! Be sure to place your order before then to take advantage of the discount.

Disclosures: I received a Prep Pad to review at no charge. The coupon code and links above are not affiliate links and I do not receive any monetary compensation if you choose to buy a Prep Pad. By clicking through for the coupon code you agree to receive periodic email updates (newsletters) from me, however your information is never sold or given away and you are welcome to unsubscribe at any time.

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Scott K. Johnson

Patient voice, speaker, writer, advocate, and Senior Community Manager at Blue Circle Health. Living life with diabetes and telling my story. All opinions expressed are my own and do not necessarily represent my employer’s position. Read more…

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