My gosh I’ve been busy lately. But, a quick entry on Monday to let you all know that I’m still here and to get something off my chest.
Never fear – I have a list of things I’d like to talk about, and as time permits I’ll get them put together here.
On to the meat of this post…
I have a problem. Well, I have a lot of problems, but this is one that I think you will all appreciate – at least a little bit.
After all of the fun and interest we had in the last Test Strip Contest, I have not been able to throw any test strips away.
I know! Crazy right? I mean, even before the contest I was not throwing enough of them away – but now I almost think of them like necessary accessories to the next contest!!! Sigh…
Oh, and the feet you see hanging there – they belong to a Kevin Garnett McFarlane action figure that I’ve got hanging from my desk. Yeah, he’s awesome.