Category Blog Posts

Tagged for Seven!

Yes, I know I’m late. But – better late than never right?! Scott Strumello tagged me for the 7×7 meme. Thanks Scott! I really do have some stuff to post about, but I’ve been so damn busy. I’m sorry it…

Back on the map!!

I’m so ashamed that I haven’t come up with a single diabetic related joke. Pitiful. I’m going to have my license revoked if I don’t come up with something funny soon. G-Money has run away with the laughs, and I’m…

Weekend Update

A couple of quick updates for the weekend. The latest installment of “Which Way Is Down?” has been posted over at dLife. Go take a look if you would like. I had my endo appointment on Friday. It went very…

"No Guns Allowed"

Whoa. Careful there. It’s cool – no need to bring out the big ammunition… Guns like that should be checked at the door! Wait ’til I flex… Ok. Ok. I’ll stop. I know. Not too impressive. I’m not like Kerri’s…

Wow! Thank you!!

I don’t even really know what to say. I started this blog about two years ago, mostly as a place to express my thoughts, emotions, frustrations, struggles, and successes in living with type 1 diabetes. I found that blogging about…

My Gift To You

It is the holiday season. Office Parties. Potluck gatherings. Treats and sweets. Large family meals, sometimes more than once (you simply have to eat at both sides of the family, if you are lucky enough to have them both local).…

Christmas Season Tag!

I’ve been tagged by Zazzy! She wants to know my five favorite holiday season songs. Like her, I have trouble picking favorites, but I’m going to pick some ones that I have the most fun with. At the top of…

Hey! I know that face!

I was casually flipping through my “Countdown” magazine that recently arrived from the JDRF. Guess who’s face I recognized! I LOVE seeing fellow “OC’ers” outside of the blogosphere! Rock on Allison! You are making a difference indeed. Thank you.