Category Blog Posts


  Today was my annual diabetic eye exam. Glad to report there’s nothing to report. Doc said that on a scale of zero to ten (zero being perfectly healthy) I am a 0.01. Music to my ears. I don’t know…

I Hate Food

I hate food. I hate that I love to eat. I hate that I don’t really love to eat because there is all kinds of mental bullshit attached to it. I hate it doesn’t even matter if the food is…

Tag, Tag, Tag, Tag, and Tag

UPDATE: We have a winner! Heidi over at D-Log Cabin guessed my middle name! Drumroll please…. “Karl” is my middle name. Karl is my grandfather’s first name, and so following the tradition that my dad started, my son’s middle name…

D-Blog Day!

I really can’t express how much the OC has changed my life. You have all made a real difference for me in how I manage my diabetes and how I cope with the mental challenges that it presents. I consider…


At times momentum is my greatest leverage against all that reaches to pull me down. It can also be my worst enemy when partnered with out of control blood sugars and high carb eating rampages. It attacks my motivation to…

Desert Dingo?

What do the terms “Desert Dingo“, “Class 11”, and “Baja 1000” have to do with diabetes? That is a very good question. But before I answer, I would ask that you go watch this very short clip from a Baja…

Saved by the bell?

1:06 AM last night (today?). My pump had been vibrating for (it turns out) for about an hour, trying to get my attention. Blood glucose reminder. I finally wake up enough to acknowledge the alert and get it to stop…

14 Chips?

Garbage In = Garbage Out. GIGO. As used in a newsletter from my friend Gary Scheiner’s practice, it applies to being able to accurately count carb grams. If you calculate the wrong number of carbs, your blood sugar will not…