Scott K. Johnson

Scott K. Johnson

Angry at Logging

I did so well for so long – then just stopped. I’m not exactly sure why it happened or how it happened, but I just stopped logging. I went for about two and a half months, logging consistently almost every…


One (more) thing I can’t seem to do very well is to time my meal bolus to be a few minutes ahead of the actual meal. I think in the ideal situation I would like to get my meal bolus…

What to Do for Lunch?

So here’s the scenario. You’ve had a decent breakfast, and a somewhat healthy mid-morning snack. But, you have failed (again) to plan for lunch. What do you do? There are all the “regular” fast food places within reach, as well…

Spring at Scott’s House

Ahhh, the snow has melted, the temperatures are creeping up, we’ve had some rainstorms, I heard someone mowing their lawn already. Yes, spring is here. You’ll never guess what I found near the side door of my house the other…


I actually tried hummus the other day. And yes folks, better sit down. I actually liked it. Here’s another shocker. I had some real fruit for breakfast yesterday. I made a smoothie in the blender, with a real live banana,…

The Appointment…

I had my first appointment with a nutrition specialist on Friday of last week. It was wonderful! She is a very neat lady who did not make me feel strange about the way I have been eating. She was very…


Oh man. I’ve been dealing with a cold type of thing over the weekend, and I took some medicine for it this morning. I feel soooooooooooo disconnected. Like I can’t get my brain and mouth/fingers to operate together. It’s awful!…

I Am Stronger Than You

I am stronger than you Diabetes. You will not break me. Through whatever frustrations, confusions, inconveniences, angers or worries that you throw at me, I will prevail. I will outlast you. I will beat you. I will win the fight.…