Category Blog Posts

It’s not yet 10am…

…and I’ve already consumed over 1800 calories. Just thought you all would like to know. I’m feeling particularly bad about not being able to resist the temptation to eat so much this morning. It is a day I play basketball…

I’m In Touch With These…

There were a couple of posts on the blogs I read regularly that I was particularly in touch with. The first is Jay’s post over at Cyber Pancreas regarding fighting depression, but also the “Trifecta” of weight loss (being Cardio,…

Out of the Slump

I’ve been working my way out of the slump. Slowly but surely. Well, maybe not so surely, but definitely slowly. Back in early November I was surprised by a higher than expected A1C. I posted on how surprised, frustrated and…

Happy D-Blog Day!!!

The folks at Diabetes Talkfest and everyone in the Diabetes OC have declared this D-Blog Day! (note: links are no longer active) Both wonderful sites that will lead you on a wild and crazy ride around the internet reading of…

Look Into My Eye…

Seriously, look INTO my eye! These are a couple of photos that were done at the University of Minnesota for a study that I am involved in. The main purpose of the study is to determine if a low dose…

Medical ID

Late last month Amy T of talked about using tattoos for medical ID. The article was informative and entertaining. One item that especially interested me was the temporary medical ID tattoos. For those without kids, these temporary tattoos usually…

I feel pretty good about this…

I feel pretty good about the latest upload of my data. It shows that I’ve been in target slightly more than 50%, with a pretty even distribution of highs (makes sense, when I’m high I test more often, so there…

Basketball & Learning!

I’ve been lucky enough to be allowed to split my workday twice a week and go play basketball for a couple of hours over lunchtime. It’s really great. Great exercise, a good group of guys, and just generally a good…

Testing too often?

This would be normal…if it was where I poked myself! I actually poked the LEFT side of that finger, and as you can see, I got a sample from a previous test on the right side. Another time that this…